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Birds, plants at Aha Lake get ID cards

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2024-08-26

The Guiyang Aha Lake National Wetland Park has recently placed 229 introduction boards for 60 species of birds and 94 species of plants along the park's tour routes.

The novelty of these introduction boards lies in the QR codes displayed on them. Visitors can scan the codes via WeChat to access introduction pages, where they learn about various plants and animals' morphological characteristics, growth habits, and distribution ranges.

Additionally, some introduction boards include entertaining videos to give visitors a more vivid understanding of the species.


A new introduction board that displays an interactive QR code. [Photo/Guiyang Evening News]

The plant introduction boards are mainly distributed along the paths on both sides of the Xiaoche River at the park. Meanwhile, the bird introduction boards are primarily located in key areas such as the bird corridor in the Wetland Science Museum, the micro-wetlands, and the flood discharge area of the reservoir.

With its rich biodiversity, the wetland park is open 24 hours a day for free and embraces various wetland types, including river wetlands, karst cave wetlands, marsh wetlands, and pond wetlands.

In recent years, the wetland park has continued to explore nature education work. It has been recognized with titles such as International Wetland School, National Youth Nature Education Green Camp, and one of China's first Forestry and Grassland Popular Science Bases.

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