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Main functions of Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment

Updated: 2024-05-24

Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment is committed to implementing ecological and environmental policies and decisions made by central, provincial and municipal governments, while upholding and enhancing centralized leadership of the Party on ecology and environment affairs. Its roles and responsibilities include:

1. Fully implement a fundamental system on ecology and environment. Draft policies and plans jointly with other authorities, and oversee the implementation of such policies and plans when approved. Draft local laws, regulations and rules on the ecology and environment. Make plans and allocate water function responsibilities in key areas, drainage areas, and drinking water sources, and oversee implementation jointly with other authorities. Implement ecological and environmental standards and technical norms.

2. Coordinate and supervise major ecological and environmental issues. Lead and coordinate investigation into and handling of major significant environmental incidents and ecological damage, guide and coordinate district/municipal/county-level authorities in addressing and issuing alerts about major significant ecological and environmental incidents, take responsibility for fines and compensation arising from damage, coordinate cross-regional dispute resolution, and lead ecology and environment protection of key regions and basin areas in the city.

3. Oversee and manage emission reduction targets. Draft measures to execute total pollutant emission controls and an emission permit system and oversee its implementation, determine pollution tolerance capacity of air, water and soil, ensure that emission targets set by provincial authorities are fully met, review pollutant emission reduction performance by districts, municipalities and counties, and implement an accountability mechanism on ecological and environmental targets.

4. Make recommendations on the scale and direction of fixed asset investment direction in ecological and environmental areas, and on municipal fiscal funding allocation. Review and approve investment projects within its authority in line with verified annual planning, and oversee the implementation jointly with other relevant authorities. Participate in guiding and promoting the recycling economy and ecological environment protection industries. 

5. Oversee and manage environment pollution prevention and controls. Draft measures on air, water, soil, noise, light, odor, solid waste, chemical, and vehicle controls, and oversee their implementation. Supervise ecology and environment protection in terms of drinking water sources jointly with other authorities, organize and guide comprehensive control projects on the ecology and environment in urban and rural areas, oversee the implementation of joint controls against air pollution in the region; and guide and oversee comprehensive re-use of solid waste as well as energy conservation and outdated capacity elimination.

6. Guide, coordinate and oversee ecology protection and restoration. Organize and draft ecology protection plans, oversee natural resource development and utilization activities, major ecological environment projects, and ecology restoration. Organize and draft all rules on nature reserve ecological environment management, and oversee their implementation. Oversee protection of wildlife, wetland ecology and environment, and desert prevention and control. Guide, coordinate, and oversee ecology and environment protection in rural areas, oversee safety of the biological technology environment, lead work on biological species (including genetic resources), coordinate work on biological diversity, and lead the defining of “red line of ecological protection, bottom line of environmental quality, guiding line of resource utilization and negative list of environmental access” and supervise the red lines as defined. Participate in ecological protection compensation.

7. Oversee nuclear and radiation safety. Draft measures to implement relevant policies, plans and standards, lead nuclear safety coordination mechanisms, take part in nuclear emergency handling, and take charge of radiation environment emergency treatment. Oversee and manage nuclear facility and radiation source safety, and supervise pollution controls of nuclear facilities, nuclear technology applications, electromagnetic radiation, and development of associated radioactive mineral resources.

8. Oversee ecological and environmental access management. As entrusted by the municipal government, perform environment impact assessments (EIAs) of key economic and technical policies and key economic development plans, zones, and projects as authorized. Draft and organize implementation of ecological and environment access list.

9. Facilitate ecology and environment monitoring. Implement monitoring systems and standards and draft relevant measures and oversee their implementation. Conduct joint centralized planning of ecological environment quality monitoring stations with other relevant authorities, and perform ecological environment monitoring of pollution sources, comprehensive enforcement activity, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction, and emergency situations. Perform surveys, assessments, alerts, and predictions on ecological environment quality, organize development and maintenance of ecological environment information networks, and promote big data application on ecology and environment. Implement an information disclosure and notification system to release to the public comprehensive reports on ecology and environment as well as important data and information.

10. Take charge of work countering climate change. Organize and draft measures to implement strategy, plans, and policies to address climate change and reduce GHG emission, and generally coordinate relevant work to counter climate change.

11. Perform regulatory supervision on ecology and environment. As authorized by the municipal government, conduct checks on implementation of laws, regulations, standards, policies, and plans on environment protection by district/municipal/county governments and relevant authorities, on implementation of shared responsibility of Party and Government, on positions of dual responsibilities, and on implementation of environment quality responsibility mechanisms. Establish and improve supervision systems on ecology and environment, coordinate and facilitate ecological and environmental supervision by the central government and provincial Party Committee, organize environment protection checks in the city, and enforce accountability among authorities with environment protection responsibilities and implement central and provincial government decisions on ecological and environmental protection jointly with other authorities.

12. Take unified charge of ecological and environment enforcement. Organize city-wide checks of enforcement activities relevant to ecological and environmental protection, and handle violations. Coordinate and guide development of law enforcement teams and their performance.

13. Organize, guide and coordinate education and promotion on ecological and environmental protection, draft guidelines on ecological environment protection education and organize their implementation, promote participation of social organizations and the general public in ecological and environmental protection. Promote technology development on ecology and environment, organize research projects and demonstrative projects, and drive development of technology management systems.

14. Undertake international exchanges and communications. Take part in handling foreign-related ecological and environmental affairs.

15. In line with its roles and responsibilities, conduct civil-military inosculation and poverty-elimination; enhance investment on technical development, improve innovation capacity, and facilitate innovation-led development. Take charge of petition handling, safe production, and fire safety in relevant areas and industries. In line with regulations apply big data technology and conduct government data resource management, and promote management, sharing and disclosure of government data resources in accordance with legal provisions.

16. Undertake routine work for the Office of the Municipal Committee of Ecological Civilization Construction and the Office of the Ecological Environment Protection Committee of the Municipal People's Government, and coordinate and oversee work relating to ecological civilization construction and environmental protection.

17. Perform other tasks assigned by the municipal Party Committee, municipal government, and provincial ecology and environment department.

18. Changes in roles and responsibilities

a. Roles and responsibilities added to the bureau include the ecological and environmental protection roles and responsibilities of the Municipal Committee of Ecological Civilization Construction (Municipal Environment Protection Bureau, Municipal Forestry Bureau), the roles and responsibilities of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission on climate change and emission reduction, those  of the former Municipal Land Resource Bureau (Municipal Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, Municipal Real Estate Registration Bureau) on underground water pollution control, of the Municipal Water Affairs Bureau on water function area defining, drainage outlet allocation and management, as well as water environment protection, and the roles and responsibilities of the former Municipal Agriculture Commission (Municipal Poverty Alleviation and Development Office) on agricultural non-point source pollution control.

b. Withdraw administrative functions from government-sponsored institutions affiliated with the Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau. Matters relevant to other institutional arrangements will be stipulated separately.

19. The bureau, as the designated centralized authority to regulate pollutant emissions in urban and rural areas and to perform administrative enforcement in the city, should fulfill its regulatory responsibilities. It should implement action plans on air, water, and soil pollution prevention and controls, and eliminate acquisition of foreign garbage and waste. An ecological and environmental governance system led by the government, followed by corporations, and participated in by social organizations and the general public should be established. It should ensure that the highest standards of environmental protection are followed, ecology protection red lines and environment quality base lines are upheld, pollution issues are properly addressed and ecological and environment safety is safeguarded.

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