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Guiyang excels in protecting water environment

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2024-02-01

Last year, Guiyang made significant progress in its river chief system, leading to continued improvement in the quality of water ecosystems.

City-level river chiefs conducted over 80 river patrols, while county, township, and village-level river chiefs conducted over 45,000 patrols. They identified and addressed over 3,600 issues in total.

To tackle water pollution, Guiyang stepped up phosphorus pollution control, urging 22 phosphate ore enterprises, phosphorus chemical enterprises, and phosphogypsum warehouses posing risks to the environment to reform their operations. The city also treated 37 sewage outlets in important tributaries like the Nanming River, Maijia River, and Xifeng River.

The city also carried out rural domestic sewage treatment in 91 villages and enhancement projects for 16 township sewage treatment plants. It urged Qingzhen to complete the treatment of 12 black and odorous water bodies, which would completely eliminate black and odorous water bodies in rural areas.

Moreover, Guiyang planted 4.76 million indigenous tree species and continued the 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River for water ecological restoration.

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