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Guizhou department, Guiyang bureau inspect environment

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2024-01-09

To effectively address issues related to nature reserves and intensify efforts in natural resource conservation, the Guiyang bureau of ecology and environment, in collaboration with the Guizhou Provincial Ecology and Environment Department, formed an inspection team on Dec 7, 2023, to conduct a comprehensive inspection in Qingzhen city and Wudang district.

The inspection team focused on eight categories of issues within nature reserves, including mining and sand excavation, industrial land use, tourism facilities in the core areas of protected zones, and hydropower facilities. The team conducted on-site examinations of six key issues and the verification status of information issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Guizhou Provincial Ecology and Environment Department, as well as progress in solving previously discovered issues.

During the inspection, the team emphasized that local ecological and environmental departments, forestry agencies, and nature reserve management authorities should develop scientific and economically feasible rectification plans for existing problems and accelerate the implementation of these plans to rectify environmental damage.

The inspection team also stressed the need to rigorously investigate and deal with illegal activities within nature reserves, ensuring that there are no new instances of environmental degradation.

He also said that efforts should be expedited to collect and improve relevant information on historical legacy issues, such as the Qingzhen Ferroalloy Plant, and ongoing management should be maintained at rectified sites.

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